Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical practices in the world, practiced by millions of people around the globe. Acupuncture needles are used on certain points of the body to balance the flow of chi through meridians. Those who practice acupuncture believe that by unblocking this flow, they can cure diseases and pain while improving…
Pain is a complex definition that varies from person to person, even among those with identifiable injury or illness. People with paralysis usually have neurogenic pain (this results from injury to the nerves or spinal cord in the body or the brain itself). Treatment of chronic pain includes therapy, acupuncture, local electrical stimulation or induction,…
Can Acupuncture Really Help With Fertility? Are you thinking of trying Acupuncture to treat your fertility? In today’s world, both female and male infertility has increased. And there are also some treatments available for infertility such as IVF or In Vitro Fertilization. However, this process is quite costly. For this reason, many people are approaching…
Back Pain Acupuncture Treatment Acupuncture treatment can be a thriving go-to treatment for relieving chronic back pain. Such a treatment can be performed on either the upper or lower back to relieve pain. The effectiveness of acupuncture treatment is backed by study, and it is effective and safe only if a well-trained, qualified professional perform…