To define the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for chronic shoulder pain (CSP) in subjects with spinal cord injury (SCI) we need to more about chronic shoulder pain first. Chronic shoulder pain is the 3rd most common variety of musculoskeletal pain that people from all around the world suffer from. It has a significant impact on…

Pain is a complex definition that varies from person to person, even among those with identifiable injury or illness. People with paralysis usually have neurogenic pain (this results from injury to the nerves or spinal cord in the body or the brain itself). Treatment of chronic pain includes therapy, acupuncture, local electrical stimulation or induction,…

Functional nutrition is a type of diet process that is growing popular in our era of fitness, because their are foods that, in addition to being nutritious, have an additional function. And as the fitness age, we live in, there are foods that in addition to feeding us, do additional work, more than is necessary…

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