An acupuncturist is a specialist doctor who performs acupuncture – a method of reflexology, which consists in influencing the functions of the body with irritations of various strength, nature, and duration, applied by inserting needles into strictly defined points zones (active points) of the body surface. Acupuncture treatment has come a prolonged way since its…
Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a debilitating inflammatory and painful condition that generally affects your shoulder joint. This can occur when your shoulder tissue becomes tight and inflamed, making it tender and stiff to move naturally. Underusing or overusing your arm or shoulder muscles can cause a frozen shoulder which can last for months…
Acupuncture (reflex therapy) is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment in which there is an impact on the biologically active points of the body that are responsible for the work of certain organs. Thus, there is an unblocking of energy channels, and the body itself includes a program of recovery. Nowadays, Acupuncture treatment is gaining popularity…