Industry-Leading Acupuncture, Pain Management, and Cupping for Bedford, Texas Residents
Acupuncture originated thousands of years ago in China as a medicinal practice to relieve pain and restore energy to the whole body. It is one of the oldest practiced medical treatments in the world and because it’s a safe, chemical-free way to treat diseases and ailments holistically, millions of people utilize acupuncture to ease their pain and treat their illnesses.
Vitality Wellness Clinic (VWC) has top-certified doctors who have devoted their time and knowledge to helping residents in the Bedford, Texas region heal and improve their overall health and wellness through the practice of acupuncture.
Bedford is a suburb of Fort Worth and is nestled between Fort Worth and Dallas. A family-oriented town, Bedford offers residents and visitors alike many family-friendly activities. Bedford Splash is an outdoor waterpark featuring pools, slides, and other rides.
Boys Ranch Park is a 68-acre park in Bedford that has a small lake with a spray fountain, jogging trails, baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, and aquatic center, picnic areas, and more.
Bedford, Texas Acupuncture
Vitality Wellness Clinic proudly offers clients in the Bedford region a full range of Oriental medicine techniques used by the Godfather of acupuncture, Dr. Wu Wei Ping. His treatments are known as the most effective techniques used worldwide. Our doctor, Dr. Tsing, was chosen by Dr. Wu Wei ping to receive direct training for 7 years under his supervision. Dr. Tsing is the only acupuncturist to receive direct training by Dr. Wu Wei Ping in the state of Texas.
What is Acupuncture?
Simply put, acupuncture is a form of medicinal treatment that involves inserting thin needles into the skin to specific points on the body and to various depths. Acupuncture is a main element of traditional Chinese medicine and is most commonly used to treat pain, but more and more people are undergoing acupuncture treatments for their overall wellness, including stress management.
In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is known as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force, also known as qi (chee). Qi is part of the three pillars of the human body, the others being Jing, which equals vitality; and Shen, which is the psyche. Qi is thought to flow throughout a person’s body. By inserting needles in strategic places and in various depths, it allows the person’s energy to flow better and rebalance their body.
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture has been proven to treat a variety of conditions, including but not limited to:
- Muscle spasms or tension
- Headaches
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Chronic Pain
- Back Pain
- Skin disorders
- Autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Menstrual irregularities
- Stress and related symptoms
- Insomnia
- The common cold
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Tooth aches and other dental pain
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Osteoarthritis
- Adverse reactions to certain drugs such as chemotherapy
- Infertility
- Allergies and other respiratory disorders
- High or low blood pressure
- Sexual dysfunction
- Labor pain
- Peripheral neuropathies
Pain Management Acupuncture Near Bedford, Texas
As people have become more aware of troubles associated with certain drugs and allopathic medications, they are moving towards alternative methods that are holistic and safe, such as acupuncture, which is much more adept at providing long-term health solutions than Western methods like hooking patients on opioids or morphine.
The Top 10 Benefits of Acupuncture
1. Reduces Stress – Stress is a main component of multiple illnesses, therefore, relieving stress can help you manage the symptoms associated with it. Acupuncture is proven to decrease stress hormones and anxiety. When you reduce the stress in your life, it helps reduce unwanted health issues.
2. Heals Headaches – Migraines can be debilitating and cause a whole set of other symptoms like sensitivity to light and noise, and nausea. Acupuncture has been proven to relieve the symptoms of migraine headaches. The needle stimulates nerves within your body which then triggers a response. Stimulating the immune and circulation system helps to relieve migraines and tension headaches. Many of our clients report feeling a sense of calm and tranquility following an acupuncture treatment for migraine or tension headaches.
3. Reduces Chronic Pain – Studies show acupuncture works well to reduce chronic pain associated with sciatica, arthritis, neck pain, migraines, knee pain, tension headaches and a slew of other illnesses that contribute to chronic pain. People with chronic pain who see an acupuncturist on a regular basis report having fewer symptoms and less pain, according to the National Institute of Health. If you have chronic pain, contact us today for an evaluation or to learn more about how we can help.
4. Improves the Immune System – This is perhaps the most important benefit of acupuncture. With so many common ailments, it’s easy to catch an illness and get sick. The result of repeated illnesses means days off from work, lethargy, not to mention it’s difficult on your body and can leave you feeling run down. Acupuncture improves your immune system and helps you fight pathogens and germs that make you sick, without taking medications that have unwanted side effects.
5. Allergy Relief – Allergies can come in many forms, including reactions to pollen, certain smells or even types of flowers. Treating allergies can be expensive and can last for a long time. Acupuncture is proven to treat allergies within just a few sessions. Treatment can also be used alongside antihistamines. At Vitality Wellness Clinic, we have been helping patients treat their allergies for more than 25 years.
6. Helps Treat Depression – Depression can take its toll on the body, causing a host of illnesses and symptoms like fatigue, obesity, fibromyalgia, headaches, cognitive issues, low energy and insomnia. Treating depression with acupuncture can help reduce the cycle of symptoms related to depression and restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit.
7. Reduces Back Pain – One of the top reasons people seek medical treatment is for back pain, including chronic lower back pain. Many of our patients who have chronic back pain have found relief through acupuncture. Upper back pain such as neck and shoulder pain can also be reduced with targeted acupuncture.
8. Heals Injuries – Acupuncture for repeated injuries and sports injuries is common. The main benefit of acupuncture for injuries is that it can eliminate the need for surgery or toxic medications. Stress injuries or strains, swollen muscles, sprains, wrist, knee, neck, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle pain can all be treated with acupuncture. It’s also known to help improve athletes’ performances and give them energy.
9. Cures Digestive Problems – Digestive conditions and gastrointestinal problems can interrupt your life and make doing anything fun or productive difficult. Acupuncture helps solve gastrointestinal issues by working indirectly on the digestive track. In fact, a lot of people receiving acupuncture treatment seek it due to gastrointestinal issues.
10. Enhances Mental Clarity and Overall Wellness – Constant stress and tension takes a toll on our mind and bodies. It can cause cognitive issues, insomnia, and a slew of other issues. Our thinking slows down, our mind becomes numb and we process information slower than usual. Acupuncture cures this cognitive roadblock by enhancing mental capability and increasing mental energy. Research shows that people who receive acupuncture treatments have better mental focus and cognitive abilities.
About Us – Vitality Wellness Clinic
Acupuncture has many benefits and can reduce the number of medications you ingest, which can have long-term negative side effects. Whether you’re suffering from chronic pain, have migraines or tension headaches, have a sports injury, or you’re looking for a healthy and holistic approach to relieve stress, Vitality Wellness Clinic can help.
At VWC we are dedicated to providing exceptional services. Dr. Tsing has conducted an extensive study of the effectiveness of acupuncture and always incorporates the three Pillars and five elements of acupuncture (fire, earth, metal, water and wood) in his treatment techniques.
Dr. Tsing has more than 30 years’ experience in the field of oriental medicine and also specializes in one needle treatment, which means he will only use one needle in treatments of relieving and alleviating pain in the human body. Contact us today at 817-527-6077 or click here to make an appointment.