According toe the Center for Disease Control and Prevention an estimated 1 in 4 adults suffer from arthritic conditions in some form or another in the US. Put simply arthritis is loss of cartilage in any joint (hip, knee, neck, back, etc.). Many factors contribute to arthritis including age, diet, weight, previous injury, and or athletics i.e. wear and tear on a given joint. So how can acupuncture help?

Acupuncture restores immune function and reduces or removes pain symptoms from inside the body. No acupuncture doesn’t replace cartilage or give you a new knee, but the pain alone is what drives many patients to surgery options that can likely be avoided for a much longer period of time. Acupuncture reduces general inflammation and solves chronic pain issues many people have faced for years.

In addition, acupuncture is one of the only alternative medicine alternatives to surgery or pharmaceuticals with proven benefits. Study after study recommend acupuncture to improve joint function, manage pain and restore quality of life without side effects. One of the most important aspects of treatment is choosing a provider with the skills, knowledge and licenses to properly administer treatment.

Patient after patient visit Vitality Wellness Clinic from Bedford, Colleyville, Keller, and Southlake Texas seeking resolution to long term health issues, and we deliver on a daily basis. Dr. Tsing is not only a licensed acupuncturist he is an Oriental Medicine Doctor (OMD), an herbalist and a palpitation specialist. What does this mean for you? It means he searches for the root of your problems and provides a full scale treatment plan to restore your health.

The human body is deeply interconnected and it takes a professional life-time to understand and properly diagnose patients. If you are interested in learning more about our practice please call or book an appointment online or visit the acupuncture page.

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