Welcome to Common Sense Switch – Where Patriots take back our country one product at a time!
Remove all toxic household and cosmetic products today! Buy products from American Patriots and stop giving money to evil corporations!
Over 2 million monthly shoppers that have made the switch.
We need to start voting with our dollars and ensure that “We the People” take back control of our country before it’s gone!
Why make the switch?
Here is a top 6 list:
1. Big box corporations sell toxic household products
2. Your purchases will no longer fund corrupt deep state agendas
3. Order form a debt free private company that supports your causes and Christian belief system
4. Buy lab tested top quality healthy product options for the same or a cheaper price
5. All purchases fund patriot causes and promote freedom
6. You are already purchasing these products daily spending an average of $2,050 per year but funding the wrong side
Contact Us To Make the Switch Today!
We've moved! Please visit us at our new building located at 6407 Colleyville Blvd. Suite B Colleyville, Texas